Astrophotography: 14 tips for starting out


New year, new photography challenges! If you’re looking for something new to learn or try this year, astrophotography could very well be worth a shot. Maybe it’s something you’re always wanted to try in the past but never got to. Or, maybe you found it complicated in the past but would like to revisit it. Whichever the case, here’s a bunch of tips to help you get started (or get a refresher).

Above, Canada-based Trevor Jones of Astrobackyard shares 14 top astrophotography tips and things to take note when starting out. Among these are several practical pieces of advice. There’s more to the genre than deep-sky imaging. Keep track of your progress. Dark skies make a big difference. Prepare to make big investments for gear. There’s also a bunch of technical ones that will help you learn the craft and get the best results. For example, make sure to get a good mount. Also, don’t start with a long focal length telescope. Of course, be ready to post-process your snaps.

Perhaps the best astrophotography tip of all is to go out there and shoot. You can learn all the tips and tricks, dos and don’ts that you want online. But those won’t amount to anything if you don’t put them into practice. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other astrophotographers for tips. Ask if you can join them on their next shoot. Likewise, you may want to join your local astronomy club. You’ll learn more about the best times to capture the most stunning deep-sky objects as they appear in the night sky!


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