For photographers who work with RAW files and edit in Lightroom Classic, Mylio Photos has a powerful feature that lets you stack your edited photos with your RAW ones. This keeps your Mylio Photos library organized without duplicates of edited and RAW photos.
The power of Mylio Photos is keeping all your photos organized, browsable and searchable across all your devices, no matter where the originals are stored. When you have a Lightroom Classic catalog as well for your edits, it’s important to be able to use that information in Mylio Photos.
There’s a three-step process to get your photo edits into Mylio Photos:
- Take photos from Mylio Photos to Lightroom Classic.
- Edit photos in Lightroom Classic.
- Publish back to Mylio Photos.
Let’s take a look at how it all works together.
How to edit photos from Mylio Photos in Lightroom Classic
Start by importing your photos into your Mylio Photos library. Depending on how you want your photos organized, you can Link them, Copy them or Move them. I maintain my own folder organization, so I use the Link option.
You can cull, flag and sort photos in Mylio Photos, then when you are ready to edit, open the files in Lightroom Classic:
Photo > Open with > Adobe Lightroom Classic
This will open the Import dialogue in Lightoom Classic, open to the same folder as the file in Mylio Photos. Import your photo and then edit as per usual.
How to get edited photos into Mylio Photos with Lightroom Classic plugin
Once your photo is edited, then you need to publish the photo back to Mylio Photos. The Lightroom Classic plugin is installed automatically when you install Mylio Photos. You will find it as a Publish Service in the Library module. The first time you use it, you will need to click it to set it up.
Set up is self-explanatory, but this will help if you get stuck.
To publish your edits back to Mylio Photos, is drag the image (or images) from the filmstrip to the Photostream share icon.
And finally, click on the Photostream itself, switch to grid view if necessary, and then click Publish:
Library > Publish Services > Mylio Photos > Photostream > Publish
This exports a file to the original file directory, with the same filename appended with “_display.” For example, “myphoto_display.jpg” would be created for an original called “myphoto.CR2” and so on.
Viewing edited photos in Mylio Photos
After you publish your edits to Mylio Photos, the original photo will be stacked with the edited one. You can see this in Mylio Photos by clicking on the edited photo, then finding File Name in the Info tab of the right sidebar.
The software shows that there is an original CR2, an edited jpg, and the XMP sidecar file that holds the metadata for the photo.
Having your entire photo collection organized, searchable and browsable in Mylio Photos is one of the fantastic benefits of this software, and now that includes your edits, too. For a more in-depth look at how Lightroom Classic and Mylio Photos work together, check out this article.