“Planet Ocean”: New UN Online Exhibit Featuring the Winners of the 2023 Photo Competition for World Oceans Day


“Planet Ocean”: New UN Online Exhibit Featuring the Winners of the 2023 Photo Competition for World Oceans Day

A new virtual exhibit on the United Nations website called “Planet Ocean” features some of the amazing winning images from last year’s Photo Competition for UN World Oceans Day. The annual photo competition is hosted by the UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs (DOALOS) in partnership with Oceanic Global and supported by Panerai, with contribution by Discover Earth and OceanX. The contest is curated by Ellen Cuylaerts, and coordinated with DPG, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, and Nausicaá.

The introduction to the “Planet Ocean” exhibit says: “The photographs in this exhibit represent some of the most powerful images received and show how photography can highlight the ocean and our relation to it. They promote ocean literacy—or an understanding of our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us—and encourage us all to engage with the challenges our ocean faces. In this way, these images can also contribute to humanity ‘changing the tides’ and putting the ocean first.” The 2023 theme for World Oceans Day was “Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing.”

The UN website has hosted various other virtual and physical exhibits showcasing images from the Annual World Oceans Day Photo Competition, including “Photography for Sustainable Oceans,” “Innovation for Sustainable Development​,” “Our Beautiful Ocean​,” and “Clean Our Ocean: Ocean Ecosystems.” The exhibitions displayed at UN Headquarters in New York or virtually on the UN exhibits webpage tackle important topics that the UN works on, such as human rightssustainable development, climate actionwomen and girls, and peace and security.

Judging is currently ongoing for the 11th Photo Competition for UN World Oceans Day, with results announced on June 7th, the day before this year’s World Oceans Day.



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